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VOILE CAPITAINE JACK (VCJ) will organize several outings  YOGA AND SAILING in the winter of 2021. Will you join us?  

Are you a yoga instructor? Contact us to find out about our advantageous offer.


More information to come shortly.


Daily yoga sessions on the beach;

Meditations on the sailboat and by the sea;

Sailing on turquoise waters aboard a comfortable catamaran;

Hiking and swimming at the foot of a magnificent waterfall;

Climb Mount Pelée;

Free time to enjoy the fine weather and explore the surrounding area;

Snorkeling to admire and swim with tropical fish and turtles;

Star gazing and sunset watching.


Climbing aboard the catamaran means opening up to an incredible human adventure, connecting with a group of inspiring women, with our own hearts and with the beauty that surrounds us. It's about letting ourselves be carried away by the sense of freedom and discovery that travel brings.


À qui s’adresse cette retraite ?


À toute personne qui :

  • A déjà fait du yoga, ou non ;

  • Recherche une expérience unique de bien-être ;

  • Ressent l’appel d’un voyage intérieur plus profond ;

  • A envie d’apprendre à se connaître et de développer des outils de vie ;

  • A soif d’aventure et désire sortir de sa zone de confort ;

  • A envie de se laisser bercer par les vagues ;

  • Sent qu’elle a besoin d’une nouvelle énergie transformatrice dans sa vie.

Ce voyage donne les outils et la guidance afin d’aller à la rencontre d’une version plus libre, confiante et authentique de nous-même.

An Unforgettable Retreat


The aim of this retreat is to reconnect with the elements of nature (the wind, the sea, the mountains, the stars, the sun), with oneself and with others, all from a new perspective, filled with respect, love, truth and openness.  

The notion of respect is very important. We are free to choose to participate in activities according to our desire and ability. Beginners are welcome; no previous yoga experience is required. Options are offered according to participants' desires.



Yoga Prana Vinyasa Flow

​Professeure certifiée (Yoga Alliance), Léonie étudie le développement personnel et nourrit le bien-être au quotidien depuis plus d'une dizaine d'années. Elle guide et soutient la transformation intérieure à travers le yoga, la méditation et invite les participant.e.s de ses classes et de ses retraites à reprendre contact avec la Nature pour observer les enseignements présents sous diverses formes. 

Our goal? That everyone can develop the tools to lead a more balanced life. A woman of heart and intuition, she loves to share in an authentic way, creating sacred spaces where the energy of the group pulsates in unison with respect and listening, where the magic of life emerges with simplicity.


Her teaching style puts us at ease, as she encourages us to listen to our bodies, and offers advice on how to follow sessions comfortably. Her reassuring voice leads us to reconnect with our own truth, to discover what dwells within us, what makes our heart beat. Her training as a Prana Flow yoga teacher enables her to offer a wide variety of unique classes and to guide retreats with gentleness and wisdom, drawing on the elements of nature or events as they occur to draw teachings from them.

"Yoga is the gateway to healing and expansion of the heart."

Bien être

Yoga Prana Vinyasa Flow

Prana Flow was founded by Shiva Rea. It's a type of yoga that blends Hatha (alignment and breathing in postures) and Bhakti Yoga (yoga of the heart, of intention). The class is intelligently designed to prepare the body for a specific posture, as well as awakening inner qualities related to a chosen theme. 

Generally speaking, the intensity of physical effort peaks in the middle of the class and drops off at the end. Based on the elements of nature (earth, water, fire, air, ether), each practice offers a different bhava (state of being), inviting participants to reflect inwardly.



The Lagoon 42 is a very comfortable, well-equipped catamaran:

4 cabins with double bed, 4 bathrooms with shower;

Full galley ;

Common area with table and comfortable sofas;

Bed linen and towels;

Swimming platform ;

Snorkeling equipment;

2 paddleboards.


Sailing aboard the catamaran is peaceful, comfortable and stable thanks to its twin hulls. The living space is diversified, with a net in the bow, quiet spots on the roof, bow and stern, an interior lounge and luxurious cabins.

We sail from beach to beach to discover the beauty of Martinique, with a constantly renewed perspective. Many activities punctuate the week's sailing: climbing Mont Pelée, snorkeling, paddleboarding, thermal baths, swimming, waterfalls and hiking. Not forgetting, of course, yoga and meditation.

Lagoon 42
Lagoon 42
Plan Lagoon 42


Capitain Jack

Captain Jack is a seasoned sailor with an impressive nautical CV. He holds international Yachtmaster Offshore certification, in addition to various Quebec and Canadian certifications, ensuring safe navigation for his crews. He has sailed many thousands of nautical miles in Quebec, the Mediterranean and the West Indies. He knows the region very well, having sailed in the Bahamas, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Lucia and the British Virgin Islands several times. He's also a sailing instructor, and will be delighted to teach you how to make a few knots and, why not, a few maneuvers. 

Captain Jack has led many cruises, and is calm and smiling, always ready to share a good chat. 


Saturday: arrival at Le Marin marina from 4pm, welcome of participants, tour of the yacht and room assignments. Opening of the retreat. Dinner together on the boat to take time to meet: introductions, organization of life on board and intentions. Meditation to end the day.


Sunday: (Theme: Anchoring, balancing) Meditation, followed by lunch. Departure for La Grande Anse du Diamant. Arrival at anchorage and dinner. Yoga on the beach. Afternoon: snorkeling, beach and panoramic view from Mémorial Cap. Dinner. Meditation and sharing to conclude. 


Lundi : (Thème : lacher-prise, ouverture) Déjeuner puis départ vers La Grande Anse d'Arlet. Yoga et méditation sur la plage. Dîner puis départ vers la rade de Saint-Pierre. Souper, balade au village et méditation.

Mardi : (Thème : courage, confiance) Méditation avant le déjeuner. Ascension de la Montagne Pelée ou plongée en apnée jusque la sculpture immergée de la sirène. Possibilité de marcher jusqu'à une superbe chute et son bassin. Souper puis yoga doux et étirements sur la plage.


Mercredi : (Thème : Amour, authenticité) Yoga, déjeuner, navigation vers l'Anse Couleuvre, promenade, atelier personnalisé pour décortiquer ou explorer certaines postures de yoga de notre choix, plage, snorkeling, souper et méditation.


Jeudi : (Thème : Unité, essence profonde) Méditation, déjeuner, navigation vers la rade de Fort-deFrance (Schoelcher), plage, visite libre en ville, souper au restaurant, yoga doux sur la plage suivi d'une relaxation sous les étoiles avant d'aller dormir.

Friday: (Theme: Journée du Soi, Rayonner) Yoga, lunch, sharing, sailing to Plage des Salines, discovery of this seemingly endless beach of white sand, dinner, end-of-retreat circle.


Saturday: Sailing to Le Marin marina, lunch at restaurant, recap of retreat highlights, sharing and good-byes.


3,790 per person, double occupancy (2 persons per cabin), 20% upon reservation, 30% 3 months prior to departure, and 50% one month prior to departure;

4,790 per person, single occupancy (1 person per cabin), 20% upon reservation, 30% 3 months prior to departure, and 50% one month prior to departure.


Access to the sailboat and island-to-island navigation according to the navigation plan, with Captain ;

Breakfasts, lunches, cocktail dinners for the 5 à 7, dinners (excluding restaurants) and local rum;

On-board expenses: diesel, harbor and anchorage fees;

Mandatory contribution to FICAV (0.35%).

Does not include :

Airfare and airport-marina transfer (possibility of sharing a cab);

Restaurant meals;




We invite you to complete this registration form. We will contact you to get to know you and answer any questions you may have.


Ensuite ?  

Vous recevrez ensuite un courriel de l'agence de voyage qui s’assurera de vous guider dans l’achat du billet d’avion selon vos besoins. 

Une fois que le dépôt de l’inscription est fait, votre place est garantie à bord! 

Nous vous ferons parvenir le plan de navigation détaillé de cette merveilleuse croisière.

Let the adventure begin!


In order to offer a complete travel service, Voile Capitaine Jack Inc. has affiliated with Corpodia Travel Agency. We are delighted that this partnership will enable you to book flights, hotels, transfers and cancellation insurance, including for your sailing cruise if you wish. When you book with us, you can be sure of unrivalled customer service, from the moment you book to the moment you return. 



If you cancel more than 60 days before departure and have already paid the total amount due, we will refund 50% of this amount.

If you cancel less than 60 days before departure, we will issue no refund.

Of course, you can take out cancellation insurance with your travel agency in the event of force majeure.

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